Today, the Board of Directors of Per Aarsleff Holding A/S has discussed and approved the interim financial report for the first nine months of the financial year 2017/18. The interim financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the company’s auditor.
Results of the first nine months
- Consolidated revenue increased by 7.1% to DKK 8,819 million.
- EBIT (operating profit) amounted to DKK 343 million (nine months 2016/17: DKK 245 million). Results were slightly above expectations.
- Construction generated EBIT of DKK 219 million. (nine months 2016/17: DKK 151 million).
- Pipe Technologies generated EBIT of DKK 76 million (nine months 2016/17: DKK 49 million).
- Ground Engineering generated EBIT of DKK 48 million (nine months 2016/17: DKK 46 million).
- The Group’s net interest-bearing debt came to DKK 220.1 million as of 30 June 2018.
Outlook for the financial year 2017/18
- In a company announcement of 13 August, the outlook for the full financial year was adjusted upwards to an EBIT level of DKK 470 million compared to the previous announcement of DKK 450 million. Revenue is expected to be approx. 5% up on the financial year 2016/17.