News / interim-financial-report-for-the-period-1-october-2023-31-march-2024

28.05.2024 - Company announcement

Interim financial report for the period 1 October 2023-31 March 2024

Today, the Board of Directors of Per Aarsleff Holding A/S has discussed and approved the interim financial report for the first six months of the financial year 2023/24. The interim financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the company’s auditors. 


  • Revenue during the first six months exceeded expectations, and earnings were satisfactory.
  • Revenue increased by 5% to DKK 10,475 million.
  • EBIT amounted to DKK 451 million, corresponding to an EBIT margin of 4.3%.
  • In the first half of the financial year, the order intake was record-high amounting to DKK 12.5 billion.
  • Very satisfactory cash flow from operating activities of DKK 1,469 million which, as expected, was positively affected by DKK 733 million from the decreasing working capital. 

Outlook for 2023/24
The outlook for the financial year was upgraded on 14 May:

  • Revenue growth of 1 to 6% corresponding to revenue of DKK 20.4 to 21.4 billion against previously DKK 19.5 to 20.5 billion.
  • EBIT between DKK 950 to 1,050 million against previously DKK 900 to 1,000 million. 

”Our first six months show that the Aarsleff Group has a high level of activity both in and outside of Denmark, and our skilled employees are busy. Especially the building and construction projects in Iceland and Greenland as well as the construction projects in Denmark contribute to these impressive and satisfactory results. In addition, our order intake during the first six months has been historically high, contributing to a sustained high level of activity in the coming years.”

Jesper Kristian Jacobsen
Group CEO